You might have purchased life insurance via your company because you are an employer of a reputable company that fortunately cares about their employer and job you're doing is categoryzed as a high risk job, such as a pilot that flies an airplane, an army or a mine engineer.
However, some of us are don't have such work that provides benefits, take me as an example, since I'm self employed. There are several example to take for this case, a working part-time guy and a student also likely will not so lucky to have them purchased a life insurance.
Since there are might someone rely on you, getting life insurance may be a good idea in case of an unexpected death. It's not for those who have passed away but it's for child, wife or those who rely on whom who has passed away. Because choosing life insurance to purchase is sometimes overwhelmed, we need to make a research on several terms of insurance before we decide to buy, I admit choosing this kind of insurance is more complex than say car insurance, or home insurance. So for you that unluckily have not been purchased a life insurance by company you're working on, please compare several life insurance first before purchase and if its possible get several life insurance quotes so that you can find the best coverage for your family. more on teen's blog...