Choosing Digital Camera that's Fit to your requirements ~ The Teen Blog

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Choosing Digital Camera that's Fit to your requirements

Not a primary goods, but sooner or later a digital camera will be a must have gadget after a cellular phone. The variants are growing wider, the price is lower day to day, and the features are getting completed even for the cheapest one. Which one the best digital camera, is the most difficult question to answer (and nearly impossible because if there’s any BEST digital camera, I’m sure everybody are buying this camera and left others untouch and rusted in showroom).:)

Actually, the right question before buying a digital camera is not the BEST camera but the most suitable digital camera. A DSLR camera, A Prosumer camera or a Pocket Camera?

Here’s the small tips for buying the most suitable camera for you

  • If you use it for everyday use and for purely amateur not hobbyist, the pocket camera is adequate, buying a Prosumer camera or even DSLR camera will waste your bucks because most likely the camera will be rarely used because it’s too big and heavy. From my experience, amateurs are going to be disturbed with the presence of a huge camera inside their bag, it’s cool having a DSLR in your bag .. but you need a fast execution, a small camera hence you can bring it everywhere, everyday inside your pocket.
  • But if you’re an amateur that feels fun to tweak the scenes and want to have a deep experiment on it, Prosumer camera is a good idea. Prosumer digital camera is a step further to DSLR. One thing that not available in Prosumer camera compared with DSLR is its interchangeable lens feature.
  • The last and final thing to consider is how deep is your pocket and how you treat this informations.