Pagerank Update Q1 2008 ~ The Teen Blog

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pagerank Update Q1 2008

This morning, I went to digpagerank, made some pagerank check to over 10 sites of mine, and found that generally around 40+ available datacenters displayed same pagerank value. It mostly indicates that the displayed value is the fixed valid one upon update. And unfortunately this blog only went from three to four (I wish I could get more than four ;)).

Several blogs of mine also jumped from zero to three, some to two, so far, none went down. It feels good to not having a gray pagerank bar in all of your sites/blogs!

But does pagerank matter anymore? I mean, pagerank has nothing to do with your sites’ search engine results placement and obviously it does not represent the amount of visitors either. Once I had a pr 5 blogspot blog, but unique visitors a day only less than 15. While the other zero pagerank blog based site, received as much as a thousand unique visitors/day + good search engine results’ placement.

But if you decide to enter the link market business, pagerank definitely is an important factor. Disregard the content and amount of visitors a single link in pr 4 home page blog easily be sold for around $15-$20 per month.

It is really your choice, whether to improve the pagerank value or amount of visitor .. but I suggest both!